Austin Priests

1957 - 1961
Donald Brennan

Saint Mary Parish
805 N. Weaver St.
Gainesville, TX  76240-3244

Leo Burke

Died Sept 16, 1980

Edward Chapman

Spent many years as Pastor in Morropon, Peru
Died July 2, 1986

Robert Burns

Left the Augustinians several years ago
I believe that he is living someplace in Ohio and in ill health

Francis Cavanaugh

Died Oct. 27, 1988

John F. Galloway

Died Jan. 15, 1970

James Corrigan

Died August 8, 1966

James Flynn

Left the Augustinian Order many years ago
Died, but I'm not sure of the date of death

Eugene Hamilton

Died April 25, 1981

Michael Hogan

In poor health

Price Memorial
PO Box 476
Eureka, MO 63025-0476

Sidney Horne


Left the Augustinians many years ago

Henry Maibusch

Saint Rita Parish
4339 Douglas Ave.
Racine, WI  53402-2997

James McCloskey

Died Dec. 18, 1980

Richard Preston

Died Dec. 8, 1990

Francis McDonnell

Died Feb 23, 2004

John Timms

Died Dec. 7, 1983

All information and narrative provided by

Br. Thomas Taylor, O.S.A.
Secretary of the Province

Thanks to Gene Fisher for making the contact.

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